Alabama LLC Operating Agreement + Free Template

Atty. Danya Shakfeh
Published by Atty. Danya Shakfeh | Author
Last updated: January 18, 2025
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If you’re a new Alabama business owner, you probably know that an operating agreement is one of the crucial pieces of paperwork to draft for your upcoming LLC.

To help you understand the ins and outs of an Alabama LLC operating agreement, we teamed up with our certified team of LLC lawyers with over a decade of experience.

We dedicated three weeks to in-depth research to clarify the components of an operating agreement and the best practices for drafting one.

Here's a detailed summary of everything you should know about LLC operating agreements in Alabama plus a free template.

You could also turn to professional Alabama LLC service companies for legal assistance in formulating a complete operating agreement with all vital clauses.

Quick Summary

  • In Alabama, an LLC operating agreement is not mandatory but is highly recommended to protect the business's interests and provide clarity on management structures.
  • An Alabama LLC operating agreement is a legal document that outlines member ownership, management, and operational protocols, offering benefits such as protection against state default rules and clear equity structures.
  • With 422,586 small businesses in Alabama, as per U.S. Small Business Administration statistics, a distinctive LLC name is vital to stand out and avoid legal issues in a competitive landscape.
  • In Fleetway Air Freight & Delivery Service, L.L.C., the manager, backed by the operating agreement, successfully pursued legal action against members who misappropriated funds, showcasing, in my opinion, its critical enforcement power.

Alabama Operating Agreement Free Template

Alabama LLC Operating agreement document being passed on to a businessman

Disclaimer: This template is provided solely for your information and should not be considered legal advice. We strongly recommend that you seek the advice of a qualified attorney to ensure its suitability and accuracy for your particular situation. We do not accept any liability for the use of this template.

We encourage you to review our detailed article explaining the fundamental distinctions between member-managed and manager-managed LLCs before you proceed with the download of our template.

What Is an Alabama LLC Operating Agreement?

Writing an alabama operating agreement

An Alabama LLC operating agreement is a document that details each member's ownership and describes the company's administration. The agreement should include the rules for conducting the entity's day-to-day activities as well as the obligations of each officer.

As a sole owner of an LLC, I've found that having an operating agreement lets me structure my daily business operations separately from my personal life. It's like having a clear line drawn, which is great for work-life balance

For organizations with more than one owner, the operating agreement creates the ownership and business agreement between all parties connected with the firm.

Because the agreement is not registered or documented with a government entity, each participant should preserve an original copy after signing.

The four different types of LLC operating agreements include:

  • Single-member LLC operating agreement.
  • Multi-member LLC agreement.
  • Multi-member LLC operating agreement with three shareholder classes.
  • Protected series limited liability company agreement.

Writing Operating Agreement Do's and Don'ts

Calculating layout ownership


  1. Keep It Accessible: Once your operating agreement is drafted, don't just tuck it away in a drawer. Make sure all members have a copy and know where to find it. It's a living document that members should be familiar with and consult regularly.
  2. Consider Future Growth: It's crucial to draft your operating agreement with the future in mind. I remember sketching out my business plan on a napkin, thinking it was just a small venture. But as we expanded, I was thankful our operating agreement was drafted with room for growth. It's like planning a road trip with an open seat for unexpected companions along the way. Include provisions for adding new members and outline the process for future capital contributions.
  3. Include a Dispute Resolution Process: It's optimistic to think you'll never have a disagreement, but it's practical to have a process in place for when you do. Include a section on how disputes will be resolved, whether through mediation, arbitration, or another method.


  1. Don't Use a Basic Template As-Is: While templates are a great starting point, relying solely on a generic template can leave gaps in your agreement. Make sure to adapt it to your LLC's specific situation.
  2. Don't Forget to Update Regularly: Your LLC operating agreement isn't a set-it-and-forget-it document. As your business evolves, so should your agreement. Regular reviews and updates will ensure it stays relevant and effective.
  3. Don't Ignore Member Exit Strategies: It may seem negative to think about members leaving when you're just starting, but having a clear exit strategy is crucial. Outline the process for a member's departure, including buyout procedures and how their share will be handled.
  4. Don't Neglect Tax Implications: Your operating agreement should address how taxes are handled within the LLC. This is not just about profit distribution but also about tax elections and the handling of losses. Consult with a tax professional to ensure you're not overlooking anything.

What Should Be Covered in My Operating Agreement?

An Alabama LLC operating agreement should meticulously outline elements essential for the smooth operation and clear governance of the business, beginning with the legal name, detailed ownership structure, and operational protocols.

Here's a step-by-step guide to what should be covered in your LLC's operating agreement in Alabama.

1. LLC Name

Include the legal name of the business, its address, and the name and address of the Alabama registered agent for the business.

When drafting an LLC operating agreement, it's essential to include the LLC's name. This name serves as the primary identifier of your business and must be unique to prevent confusion with other entities. It's also required to include an indicator of its LLC status, such as "LLC" or "Limited Liability Company," in the name.

Given that there are, according to the U.S. Small Business Administration, 422,586 small businesses in the state, ensuring your LLC's name is distinctive becomes even more crucial [1]. This dense business landscape highlights the importance of a unique name to stand out and avoid legal complications.

This name will be used in all official documents, contracts, and public-facing materials. The operating agreement should clearly state this name to ensure there is no ambiguity regarding the entity's identity.

2. Ownership Details

The operating agreement must detail the ownership structure, reflecting each Alabama LLC member's capital contributions in exchange for proportional ownership stakes and distributive shares of profits and losses.

In our LLC, we laid out everyone's contributions in the operating agreement, turning what could have been a 'he said, she said' into a 'it's all here in black and white.' It made discussions about ownership stakes and profit shares as peaceful as a Sunday morning

All parties involved should have their names, addresses, job descriptions, duties, and ownership stake listed here.

Members should review this section to ensure an accurate allocation of assets and shares.

3. Voting Rights and Decision-Making Powers

Pointing at a document inside a tablet device

After laying out the ownership terms, the next step is focusing on the protection of the members.

Membership protection is a key component of the operating agreement. It addresses the rights and responsibilities of each LLC member, including voting, decision-making powers, daily responsibilities, performance, and satisfying standards.

The voting provisions outline the members' voting shares and whether a simple majority can decide a vote.

The contract should also specify how changes to the operating agreement are proposed, decided upon, and carried out.

4. Profit Distributions

The next step in writing an LLC operating agreement is setting the profit distribution policy among members. It typically specifies that profits are allocated in proportion to each member's ownership percentage, unless agreed otherwise.

Distributions may occur regularly or at the discretion of members, ensuring compliance with the agreement and applicable tax laws.

5. Management

Writing notes for protection against state default rules

The management section should state whether the LLC is member-managed or manager-managed.

As a member-managed LLC, all members participate in daily operations and decision-making. In a manager-managed LLC, either a member or an outside individual is appointed to handle the LLC's affairs.

The agreement should detail the powers, duties, and limitations of the managers, ensuring all actions are in accordance with Alabama state law.

6. Record-Keeping

In this section, you should establish the methods and practices for maintaining accurate and comprehensive financial records. It should stipulate that the LLC will keep complete records of all financial transactions in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).

The agreement should specify the frequency of financial reporting to members, the preparation of annual financial statements, and the right of members to inspect books and records. It must also define the fiscal year of the LLC and outline the procedures for retaining and accessing records

7. Member Change Process

Calculating business and personal identities

This step develops a process so that current and potential new members know the rules governing the joining or exiting of the Alabama LLC.

This paragraph on the agreement will describe how current members can resign and how new members can sign up. It also establishes an objective framework for approaching each of these circumstances.

8. Meeting Requirements

The operating agreement should also specify the frequency of member meetings, whether annual or more often. It must describe the protocols for convening regular and extraordinary member meetings, including the prerequisites for notification, the quorum, and the voting procedures.

9. Operational Rules and Regulations

This section of an Alabama LLC operating agreement should outline the company's compliance with laws, including the requirement that LLCs must submit a Business Privilege Tax, unique to Alabama, which ranges between 0.00025% and 0.000175%, along with their annual report [2].

Additionally, the agreement defines business hours and location, assigns member and manager duties, details financial protocols, describes conflict resolution strategies, and establishes amendment procedures to ensure transparent and efficient management.

Do I really need an LLC operating agreement in Alabama?

Showing proof of ownership

No, it's not required; however, there are several benefits to consider, including stating the business's purpose and showing proof of how the entity is managed.

Here are the key reasons why you need an operating agreement for your Alabama limited liability company.

  • Against State Default Rules: Without an operating agreement, an LLC in Alabama defaults to state regulations, which may not align with member interests. This can lead to inefficient dispute resolution and potentially harm the business, as members must navigate state rules rather than their own policies.
  • Protection Against Harsh Member Claims: Operating agreements also shield members from one another. While you may not anticipate future arguments with your fellow members, they are certain to arise at some time. When these differing points of view or ideas occur, it is critical to have a clear and decisive set of written guidelines to address the issues.
  • Maintaining Business And Personal Identities Separate: An operating agreement maintains the LLC's liability shield, distinguishing the business from personal affairs and preserving the legal separation that protects members from business debts and the company from members' personal liabilities. Without it, the LLC could be mistaken for a sole proprietorship, risking the loss of liability protection in court.
  • Clear Equity Structure: An Alabama limited liability company's equity structure comprises donations, capital accounts, and how profits and losses are handled. Having an operating agreement addresses the membership interests, classes of membership interests, donations, and capital accounts. Furthermore, your operating agreement also specifies how revenues, losses, and payouts will be distributed among all members.
  • Defined Management Structure: You have the option of having your LLC handled by members or by management. If your entity is manager-managed, the limited liability agreement specifically addresses management appointments, voting processes, manager tasks and responsibilities, and how managers can be dismissed if required.
  • Proof Of Ownership: Because it lists the names of all members, your limited liability company agreement serves as evidence of company ownership. You may use your operating agreement to prove that you own your LLC when you take significant actions because it is a legal document. For instance, your LLC will have to present a copy of your operating arrangement to open an LLC business bank account or a financing arrangement.

"Banks and investors might want to see your operating agreement as proof that you own your LLC. Your state registration document alone doesn't prove it. So, it’s best to come prepared and have your operating agreement ready."

- Chris Daming, Lawyer

  • Retain Control: To focus on business development prospects as the company grows, you may engage a manager to handle the day-to-day business operations. A limited liability company agreement might specify the manager's responsibilities, including power, salary, and what happens if they quit or start their own business.
  • Protection Against Anti-Dilution: An LLC may expand and provide new membership interests to new members. Your limited liability company agreement offers an anti-dilution language that safeguards certain members with particular stake percentages in terms of voting rights, capital calls, or any other pre-emptive rights to acquire additional classes of membership being offered.


Do I Have to File My Operating Agreement With the Alabama Secretary of State?

No, you do not have to file your operating agreement with the Alabama Secretary of State because it's an internal document that governs the LLC's and its members' activities.

Does My Alabama Operating Agreement Require Notarization?

No, your Alabama operating agreement does not require notarization. The only official assurance is the signatures from each LLC member.



About The Author

Venture Smarter | Alabama LLC Operating Agreement + Free Template
Atty. Danya Shakfeh, with over ten years of experience as a corporate attorney, leads Motiva Law, offering strategic legal advice to entrepreneurs. She is skilled at transforming complex legal concepts into clear strategies, allowing clients to pursue their goals. A "Rising Star" by Super Lawyers and an alumna of Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law, Danya is distinguished in business law.
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Venture Smarter | Alabama LLC Operating Agreement + Free Template
Growth & Transition Advisor
LJ Viveros has 40 years of experience in founding and scaling businesses, including a significant sale to Logitech. He has led Market Solutions LLC since 1999, focusing on strategic transitions for global brands. A graduate of Saint Mary’s College in Communications, LJ is also a distinguished Matsushita Executive alumnus.
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